Two Pie Charts in IELTS

Как справиться с первой частью IELTS Writing, когда перед вами сразу ДВЕ круговых диаграммы?

Во-первых: используйте разнообразную лексику👇👇👇
4% = A tiny fraction.
24% = Almost a quarter.
25% exactly a quarter.
26% = roughly one quarter.
32% nearly one-third, nearly a third.
49% = around a half, just under a half.
50% exactly a half.
51% = Just over a half.
73% = nearly three quarters.
77% = approximately three quarter, more than three-quarter.
79% = Well over three quarters.Proportions:
2% = A tiny portion, a very small proportion.
4% = An insignificant minority, an insignificant proportion.
16% = A small minority, a small portion.
70% = A large proportion.
72% = A significant majority, A significant proportion.89% = A very large proportion.
89% = A very large proportion.

Во-вторых: как обычно три простых шага на Band 7.0👇👇👇

Шаг 1️⃣ перефразируем задание (я называю это предложение “Что? Где? Когда?”):

The presented pie charts illustrate the proportion of students in Great Britain who had foreign language skills in 2000 and 2010. The data is provided in 6 categories.


Шаг 2️⃣ описываем  основные пропорции в графике общими словами без деталей и цифр:

Overall, it can be observed that the share of students not capable of speaking a language apart from their native reduced significantly in 2010, while percentages in 5 other categories remained approximately the same. Besides this, Spanish was the most spoken language in the studied university.


Шаг 3️⃣ описываем детали диаграммы, с цифрами и сравнением трендов:

Now, turning to the details, a vast majority of students were able to speak Spanish, which accounted for 30 and 35 % in 2000 and 2010 respectively. French and German ranked second, the latter being spoken more in 2000 with just under a quarter of the students. Through the studied decade, more people acquired a third foreign language, showing a rise of 5 percent. Apart from Spanish, German and French, students had command of other languages, which made up 20 % in 2010 and only 15 % in 2000.