Пример эссе IELTS : Gouvernments should make more efford to promote alternative sources of energy. To what extend do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Пример эссе IELTS позволяет составить представление о том, что такое IELTS writing. Как репетитор IELTS, я сталкиваюсь с тем, что написание эссе является одним из самых трудных аспектов. Хотя официального списка тем письменной части IELTS конечно не существует, имеет смысл проработать основные темы эссе с примерами. Руководствуясь этим соображением, я решила вести список тем, которые я даю студентам при подготовке к экзамену IELTS. Сегодня мы поговорим о примере эссе IELTS “Alternative sources of energy”.

[big_title2]Пример эссе IELTS [/big_title2]

It is common knowledge that our exploitation of carbon-based sources of energy such as petroleum, coal and natural gas seriously threatens the environment and has to be changed to the alternative in order to stop the effects of global warming. Unfortunately, governments do not make enough effort to promote renewable energy types like wind, solar, geothermal, tides and hydroelectric.

I would like to call attention to the fact that the reason for not being motivated enough comes from economics concepts. Although American federal attempts to encourage such alternatives in last thirty years it seems that the majority has been failed and very few, if any, succeeded. As a result, government believes that if investing in alternative energy makes economic sense, investors will make those investments on their own will. Furthermore, if the government encourages or compels investments in things that do not make economic sense, nobody wins.

On the other hand, I am inclined to believe that government should subsidize investments in new capacity or in research to meet environmental or social goals. In other words, reducing burning fossil fuels into the atmosphere will reduce air pollution and save our planet from global warming. One typical example of this is Germany where government subsidies have been in place in the early part of this decade to encourage demand for solar modules and installations of wind farms.

In conclusion, from my point of view – we should dog everything possible to develop reliable alternative energy sources for the future. This will definitely add prosperity to us and our descendants.

260 words

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