IELTS письмо: темы эссе

IELTS письмо по праву является сложнейшим аспектом подготовки к тесту  IELTS.  Если вашей целью является получение высокого балла по письменной части теста – имеет смысл иметь ввиду базовые темы IELTS эссе. Руководствуясь этим соображением, я решила вести список Заданий по IELTS письму,которые я даю студентам, готовящимся к экзамену.

Write at least 250 words.

1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of high school students having part-time job.
2. Everyone can play a part in helping to stop global warming and the destroying of the planet.
3. These days, people are interested in buying organic food even though it is often more expensive than conventionally produced food.
4. Learning to play team sports is an important part of a child’s education.
5. The use of cell phones (mobile phones) has grown rapidly in the past few years. People use them for both business and personal reason.
6. Internet vs books
7. Society today has more problems with the behavior teenagers than in the past.
8. Is freedom of speech necessary in a free society?
9. Some people think women should be allowed to join the army, the navy and the air force just like men. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
10. Many newspapers and magazines feature stories about the private lives of famous people. We know what they eat, where they buy their clothes and who they love. We also often see pictures of them in private situations. Is it appropriate for a magazine or newspaper to give this kind of private information about people?
11. According to the survey schoolchildren are uninspired about history. What are the reasons of it in your opinion? Can you Suggest ways how to make history lessons more interesting to engage children.
12. Nowadays it is difficult to get a good job. Outline key factors that have an impact on outcome of the job interview.
13. In some countries, the length of paid vacation is two weeks, in other – four weeks. Outline advantages and drawbacks of a long vacation for employer and for employee.
14. Working hours today are too long and people are not spending as much time as they should with their families or on leisure activities. What is your opinion on this?
15. In some countries, it is common for women to find a job when their children are young. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
16. You are going to move to another city to get a new job. Explain your situation to your friend who is living in that city and ask him about some issues that you are worried about.
17. You are going to leave home for a long time, write a letter to your neighbor asking him to look after your house while you are away.
18. Does the increasing popularity of e-mail and text messaging threaten conventional hand written language?

[link url=””]See more IELTS writing examples : основные темы эссе с примерами[/link]

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