IELTS writing: essay “Managment styles and ways to motivate people to work hard”

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[big_title2]Some employers reward members of staff for their exceptional contribution to the company by giving them extra money. This practice can act as an incentive for some but may have a negative impact on others. To what extent is this management style effective? Are there better ways of encouraging employees to work hard?[/big_title2]

Nowadays, many top-managers give bonuses to their workers to increase motivation. Many bosses think that it is the only method to make somebody work better. However, some executives do not agree with this statement, they believe, that there are a large number of ways to force an employee to reach their aims faster. In this essay, I will try to outline the pros and cons of both positions and suggest some ways to motivate staff.

On the one hand, rarely do managers understand the importance of cash motivation. People who do not have problems with finances are likely to do their job in an effective way. For instance, Henry Ford – an early adopter of the «Humanity» school of management, improved the production speed of his car factory by increasing salaries of each worker by 30 dollars.

On the other hand, little do old-school executive officers know about how vital other types of employee stimulation are. In this case, according to the «Maslow motivation pyramid» finance wealth is the least effective way to force workers to do more tasks, factors like “self-realization” or “social respect» can motivate people to work harder. For example, work for «e-commerce» corporations like Apple or Facebook, can make people proud of themselves and increase their ability to work harder. If it were not for self-realization, they would make their jobs less effectively.

All in all, it is very difficult to find the best option to motivate employees, but the way of giving to workers extra money is not the most effective one in terms of increasing the happiness of project team.


6.5 band score

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