Opinion IELTS essay “Is Death Penalty Essential?”

Недавно моему студенту на тесте попалось такое задание:

“Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?”

Пример его эссе на 7 баллов:

The issue of capital punishment has been frequently debated over the past few decades. Some people believe that the death sentence can deter crime. Even though some crimes should be severely punished, I disagree that death penalty is necessary to ensure safety in society as it is morally unacceptable.

Heinous crimes should be severely punished to protect society. Perpetrators of crimes such as premeditated murder or crime with aggravated factors are believed to deserve the most severe punishment and even death.  This can ensure that perpetrators will never have an opportunity to cause a future tragedy. Moreover, other potential criminals will be aware of possible punishment and weigh up their actions. This can make capital offense a possible tool in deterring crime.

However, capital punishment is morally impermissible as none has right to take another person’s life. The principle of literalism, which means doing to criminals what they do to their victims, is a relic of the past, not acceptable today. For example, penalty for rape can not be rape. To ensure safety, society should follow strong moral principles, which exclude any possibility of death penalty.

In conclusion, even though every criminal should be punished to ensure safety, I disagree that death penalty is necessary for this purpose as it is ethically unacceptable. 


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