IELTS Essay “Success: what is more important – hard work vs. luck”

IELTS Essay “Success: hard work vs. luck” – сложная часть теста, требующая не только знаний английского, но и навыков написания сочинений и эссе. Каждый кандидат принимает решение, необходимо ли прибегнуть к консультации репетитора ielts или готовится самостоятельно. При самостоятельной подготовке сдать экзамен IELTS возможно, внимательно проработав основные IELTS Essay.

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[big_title2]People succeed because of hard work and luck has nothing to do with success. Do you agree or disagree with this view?[/big_title2]

IELTS Essay 1

Success plays a vital role on our life. There are different points of view, which factor can bring the most positive effect on success, whether it is luck or hard work.  I think that both factors can bring positive effects, and in this essay I will examine it and give my own opinion.

On the one hand, it is hard to gain high results without hard work because every purpose requires a lot of actions. All this is hard to imagine without hard work, self – discipline and motivation.  Sometimes difficult tasks should be separated into small parts and it is necessarily to have inner power to complete it. These are common examples of how success can be gained with help of hard work.

On the other hand, luck plays a huge part on the way to success.  Luck may help you to be in the right place at the right time, to get some new information or to meet right persons.  For example a lot of athletes met their coaches that helps them to train and  to achieve great results.  It is hard to live without sense that luck can help us to achieve our goals.

From my perspective, hard work is important, but we also need to take into account the luck factor. And  I believe that luck and hard work together may gain the most positive effect on the life.

235 words

6.0 band score

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