IELTS essay advantages and disadvantages: Globalization

Even though globalization affects the world’s economies in a very positive way, its negative side should not be forgotten. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

Шаг первый: формулируем 1 плюс и 1 минус во вступлении

The process of international integration undoubtedly has a pronounced character nowadays. However, not only does this tendency influences positively on the world community, but it also has drawbacks. This essay will first discuss the simplification of economical and social relationships, caused by global unification as a main benefit of globalization, followed by an analysis of the major disadvantage which is the extinction of cultural traditions of some ethnic minorities.

Шаг 2: поясняем преимущество + пример для подкрепления вашей позиции

One of the principle advantages of the global village is the free movement of goods and human resources in the world space that becomes possible due to the internet technology development. To put it differently, not only is it available to purchase products online or to pay bills, but it also provides an opportunity to potential employees to be hired regardless of their location. Moreover, on no account should the importance of virtual communication for educational purposes be ignored. For example, according to a recent study, 8 from 10 modern students prefer online training rather than traditional one.

Шаг 3: поясняем недостатки + объясняем почему они важны

The main disadvantage associated with the international cooperation is the gradual disappearance of the customary lifestyle of some close communities. In other words, if it were not for general integration, it would be easier to preserve traditions of small nations. Rarely do people realize that many cultural values, such as national cuisine and specific clothes become just a part of the history these days. Scottish kilt, for instance, is used for national holidays and wedding ceremonies only, without wearing it in routine life.

Шаг 4: суммируем плюс и минус в заключении

In conclusion, the benefits of globalization, such as simplicity and convenience of international bands, must be weighed against the drawbacks, such as less of individuality of small groups.

IELTS essay advantages and disadvantages: Globalization 2

It is very obvious that worldwide integration with all it benefits still have some unfavorable effects on world’s economies. This essay will first discuss cross border business expansion as the main benefit of globalization, followed by an analysis of the major drawbacks such as low competitiveness of local manufacturers.

One of the principal advantages of globalization assumed to be business without boarders that allows countries to trade with each other on a beneficial basis. In other words, regulations on international trade taxes promote business expansion and some manufactures are even moving their production base to a less developed countries. It gives more employment opportunities to local people and at the same time saving the cost. It has been revealed that over the last few years every second world known clothes brand moved their production to Vietnam having above 78 per cent of employees to be locals.

The main disadvantage associated with globalization is low competitiveness of local manufacturers. To put it differently, a considerable number of domestic producers cannot compete with imported products of big brands due to the outdated machinery for production or lack of financing from the government. As a result, modest local producing businesses tend to become bankrupt what at the long run contribute to the loss of country’s economy. Research conducted in 2014 has shown, that more than one third of local sport brands companies in Singapore had no chance but to shut down when Nike and Adidas signed an agreement on low tax trading with Singapore government.

In conclusion, the benefits of globalization, such as trading between countries under special agreements, must be weighed against the drawbacks, such as devastating impact on local business.

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