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Указание на этот тип всегда содержится в самом задании: перед вами Discuss both views essay, если вы видите:

  • discuss both points of view and give your opinion;
  • discuss both views and give your opinion;
  • discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Обратите внимание, что в этом случае очень важно ответить на все поставленные вопросы: рассмотреть обе точки зрения и указать, какую сторону мы поддерживаем.

Рассмотрим схему написания  discuss both views essay в 4 ШАГА:

Шаг 1: Introduction

после перефразированная задания формулируем 1 аргумент ЗА и 1 аргумент ПРОТИВ + пишем какую сторону поддерживаем и почему

Шаг 2: Body Paragraph 1

презентуем аргумент ЗА в первом предложении параграфа + развиваем аргумент вглубь в 2-3 supporting sentences

Шаг 3: Body Paragraph 2

презентуем аргумент ПРОТИВ в первом предложении параграфа + развиваем его вглубь в 2-3 supporting sentences

Шаг 4: Conclusion

суммируем аргумент ЗА и аргумент ПРОТИВ + пишем какую сторону поддерживаем и почему

ВАЖНО: в соответствующим параграфе ослабляем аргумент, который не поддерживаем.

Покажу, как написать такой тип эссе на примере работ моих студентов на band 8.

Some think scientists should be allowed to send messages into space to communicate with other life forms while others believe this is too dangerous. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.


Sample 1.

There are many people who think that the attempts of interaction with aliens is dangerous as people do not know what to expect from them, while others believe that scientists should be permitted to contact extraterrestrial creatures as all humankind could benefit from such an interaction and I side with them.

Those who think that any attempt to contact life forms from outer space can impose a threat on people on Earth may think so because it is in human nature to perceive anything unknown as dangerous. This is a protective mechanism of the human mind, which acts unconsciously and stimulates people to reject any new activities and thoughts.  However, one cannot deny that the greatest breakthroughs in the history of humankind were made by people who were able to cope with these core mechanisms and were courageous enough to explore unknown areas. For instance, when Aristotle supposed that the Earth is not plain but round almost everyone rejected this theory. 

I believe that being curious and seeking new areas to explore is extremely important for the development of all humankind and for this reason, I side with those who believe that the attempts to interact with aliens could be beneficial as well. Finding other intelligent life in the universe can help to enrich current knowledge and practice, which consequently could help to solve problems on Earth. From the practical standpoint, if there is other intelligent life in the universe it could be unwise to reject the information they could share or the possible inventions, which could be made further with the help of the data collected from such an interaction.

 In conclusion, although many people believe that attempts to contact aliens are dangerous because people do not know anything about them, I side with those who think that scientists should be allowed to interact with extraterrestrial intelligence as it could be beneficial for people on Earth.

Sample 2.

Letting scientists communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations is suggested to be permitted by some people, while others consider this to be a hazard. Even though such communication can be potentially misinterpreted and therefore lead to a dangerous situation, it can be a great step forward in studying the universe. Therefore, I side with those who believe that scientists should be allowed to attempt communicating with alien civilizations.

There are those who believe that scientists should not be allowed to communicate with other creatures in our universe since this can unlock various hazards. Although the researchers are not able to prove if there are any other life forms inhabiting the space as of today, the outcomes of attempting to get in contact with them can be unpredictable. Not only can the aliens be unable to perceive the message the human race will be sending them and therefore misinterpret it, but they also can turn out to be hostile and wishing to colonize the Earth. However, if there is any other life form in the universe now, it is just a matter of time when the first contact between our civilizations will be established, and humans should rather be proactive in this sphere.

Others assume that scientists need to be given permission to message other life forms as this communication can be an incredibly valuable source of knowledge for space exploration and I agree with them. In case there are other life forms, they can hypothetically decipher messages that will be received from the humans and start sharing information about the species that inhabit the celestial bodies the mankind has never stepped upon. This can boost the life-changing scientific progress by contributing the knowledge that mankind would need hundreds of years to accumulate without our extraterrestrial neighbors’ input.

In conclusion, even though some believe that scientists should not be allowed to reach out to civilizations from other planets because of high risks, such contacts are inevitable in case there are other life forms. For this reason, I support proponents of a proactive approach, who believe in the mutually beneficial communication between the scientists from the Earth and extraterrestrial intelligence.


discuss both views essaydiscuss both views essay