Разберем гистограммы из самого свежего июльского сборника IELTS CAMBRIDGE 14:


Шаг 1️⃣ перефразируем задание (я называю это предложение “Что? Где? Когда?”)

The presented bar chart illustrates the export figures for one country in 5 categories in 2015 with comparison to 2016.


Шаг 2️⃣ описываем 2 основных тренда в графике общими словами без деталей и цифр:

Overall, it is obviously clear that all categories accounted for an increase in export rates, with the exception of gems and jewellery. Another noticeable trend is that the textiles industry reported the largest growth, while only a comparatively tiny rise was demonstrated by the agricultural products.


Шаг 3️⃣ описываем детали графика, с цифрами, датами и сравнением трендов (можно одним или двумя абзацами):

Now, turning to the details, the given region experienced an upward trend in the amount of exported goods with up to around 15% in all studied industries, except gems and jewellery with a 5% fall. Beside this, textiles were the most rapidly growing industry as its rate grew by more than 15%, from 26 to 32 billion. In addition, petroleum and engineering products were the leading exporting sectors, by far outnumbering the other 3 export contributors: just over 60 against around 30 billion for export respectively. 150