Advantages and Disadvantages IELTS essay: Children spend much time playing video games

Недавно моему студенту на тесте попалось такое задание:

“Nowadays more and more kids spend much time playing video games, which affects them both positively and negatively. Do the advantages of video games outweigh their disadvantages?”

Пишем Advantages and Disadvantages IELTS essay в четыре шага:

Шаг 1: формулируем 1 преимущество и 1 недостаток во вступлении + пишем какую сторону поддерживаем:

In the era of gadgets and devices, adolescents spend much time playing electronic games. I believe that the benefits of such entertainment far overweigh their drawbacks since by playing video games, teenagers can find a safe release of their emotional tension.

Шаг 2: поясняем преимущество:

One of the principal advantages of electronic games is the fact that they are able to provide teenagers with a safe outlet of their natural aggression. At a young age, on no account should the influence of hormones on adolescents’ temper be ignored. Playing video games, youngsters are involved in shootings and war-like scenarios, which can help release that tension.

Шаг 3: поясняем недостаток + ослабляем:

The main disadvantage associated with video gaming is the risk of accepting violence as a way to resolve conflicts in real life. This nay be caused by scenarios, where children are rewarded with virtual gifts for simulating violence. However, this risk can be mitigated if adolescents play computer games under parental supervision.

Шаг 4: в заключении дублируем наше мнение:

In conclusion, I believe that the advantages of playing video games by children outweigh the disadvantages because, by doing this, teenagers can express their natural aggression.


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